Welcome to Making Polyamory Work


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I’m Libby Sinback, a relationship coach and educator. I’m excited to tell you about my new podcast, starting on November 26th. It’s called Making Polyamory Work. Here we’ll get real about how polyamorous relationships actually work. You’ll get support that is inclusive, that affirms and celebrates all relationships and lifestyles, making special space for working to create functional, healthy, stable, and deeply loving polyamorous relationships. This isn’t an interview show, so you won’t see me bringing in big thought leaders every week. It’s just me and you, for about 15-30 minutes, no chit-chat, no bs, and most of the time, no script, because life is messy and imperfect and so am I. What I will bring you in each is episode a valuable idea or a practice that will help you make your polyamorous relationships amazing - relationships that nourish you and help you heal, grow, flourish, and love. The rest… is up to you.


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